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16th February 2024    Singapore

Updates in Gynaecologic Pathology and Cytopathology, The Ultimate Adventure Trail Guide 16-20 Feb 2023

16th February 2024    Singapore

Updates in Gynaecologic Pathology and Cytopathology, The Ultimate Adventure Trail Guide 16-20 Feb 2023

The meeting will focus on Gynaecologic Cancers in particular endometrial, endocervical, and ovarian cancers and on cervical screening.

  • The meeting will focus on Gynaecologic Cancers in particular endometrial, endocervical, and ovarian cancers and on cervical screening. Cancer of the endometrium is the most common gynaecologic and ovarian cancers ranks fifth as a cause of cancer deaths among women globally, although it causes more death than any other cancer of the female genital tract. Cervical screening saves thousands of lives every year and we will have lectures from international and national experts to talk on current cervical screening strategies and changes in laboratory practices with introduction of primary HPV testing.

    For this conference, we have curated a diverse range of globally recognised speakers, and networking opportunities to help you expand your knowledge, gain new insights, and connect with like-minded individuals. From thought-provoking keynote sessions to interactive discussions on newer molecular and genomic diagnostic techniques led by experts in this field. We have designed the agenda to ensure that you leave feeling inspired and empowered.

    In line with global health initiatives, the meeting has been jointly organised with our partner societies, the British Association of Gynaecologic Pathologists, the Malaysian Society of Cytology, and the Society of Cytology Singapore.