Information for current members that pay monthly by direct debit.

We will soon be moving to a new card subscription service enabling annual or monthly payments, providing members with a secure, straightforward, and flexible payment system for their BAC membership.
The member fees will remain the same providing excellent value with access to the Cytopathology journal, monthly case studies, quizzes, blogs as well as bursaries and funding, and discounted rates to BAC events.
Consultant (Medical and Biomedical Scientist): £125 per year
Cytoscreener, Trainee and Biomedical Scientist subscription: £30 per year
Retired members: £20 per year
By renewing with your existing membership type you are declaring that your membership status has not changed. Please inform us if you have changed membership group prior to renewing with the new system.
The last direct debit payment will be taken at the beginning of August 2024. Please cancel your direct debit after the August payment has been taken.
Your renewal will be due on 1st September 2024. To renew using the new card subscription service please log in to your member area on the BAC website and select the membership option. Please do not do this until your renewal is due.
BAC Website:
If you cancel your direct debit before the August payment then your renewal will be due from the 1st August 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us
We thank you in advance for continuing to be a valued member of the BAC.