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About Us

The British Association for Cytopathology (BAC) was formed in 2011 following the merger of the British Society for Clinical Cytology (BSCC) and the National Association of Cytologists (NAC)

The aims and objectives of the Association are:

  • To encourage the science and art of Cytopathology by encouraging higher standards in Cytopathology for the benefit of the public

  • To encourage research in Cytopathology and related fields and the publication of useful results

In line with these aims, the BAC acknowledge the importance of training and education as helping develop the cytology workforce in delivering a high quality and clinically relevant cytology service. Any training and education must build on the core skills that cytologists, whatever their route into cytology, acquire in basic training leading to development throughout their professional lives.

The BAC is the voice for cytology on numerous stakeholder professional groups. This list is not exhaustive but includes: the NHS Cervical Screening Programme, the Department of Health, Royal College of Pathologists, Institute of Biomedical Science, European Federation of Cytology Societies and worldwide through the International Academy of Cytology.

Communication with other bodies occurs primarily through the elected Executive. If there are any issues of importance that you feel the BAC should address, please address your views to the Honorary Secretary.

The BAC acts as the primary owner of and major contributor to guidelines which bear on the practice of both cervical and diagnostic cytopathology. The BAC also inputs via representation on other bodies into national workforce and educational discussions, to help shape the UK approach to these topics.

Cytopathology is the official journal of the British Association for Cytopathology.

  • The Team

  • Dr Anthony Maddox
    President of the BAC, Consultant cellular pathologist at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    Dr Anthony Maddox

    Reporting a full range of diagnostic cytopathology samples as well as histopathological biopsies of lung.

    Interested in the provision of Rapid Onsite Evaluation (ROSE) as a tool for maximising the benefit of needle aspirates in thoracic, pancreatic and head and neck disease and in promoting the involvement of biomedical scientists in that process.

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Sue Mehew
    Chair of the BAC, Consultant Biomedical Scientist in Cervical Cytology at NHS Lothian and NHS Lanarkshire

    Sue Mehew

    Director of Scottish Cytology Training School. Specialist interests in teaching cervical cytology, the psychology of cytology screening, invasive cervical cancer audit plus BMS reporting of gynaecological histopathology.

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Helen Burrell
    Honorary Secretary and CEC lead for BAC, Consultant Biomedical Scientist in cervical Cytology, Bristol Southmead

    Helen Burrell

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Dr Kay Ellis (co-opted)
    Treasurer for the BAC, Consultant Biomedical Scientist Cervical Cytology and CSPL, Gateshead Health NHS Trust

    Dr Kay Ellis (co-opted)

    Specialist interests in invasive cervical cancer audits and pushing the boundaries between disciplines.

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    Elected: AGM 2020

  • Professor Allan Wilson
    Consultant Biomedical Scientist and Laboratory Manager at Monklands Hospital

    Professor Allan Wilson

    Clinical Lead for the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme.

    Professor Wilson has been working in Cytology since 1976 and has a special interest in screening, molecular testing, invasive cancer audit and digital cytology. He is a member of the UK National Screening Committee and Visiting Professor at Robert Gordon University.

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Dr Ash Chandra
    Consultant Histopathologist and Cytopathologist - Guy’s and St Thomas’s, London

    Dr Ash Chandra

    Specialist interest in cytopathology education, reporting terminologies, FNA and ROSE

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Dr Martina Munonyara
    Membership Lead and Consultant Cytopathologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London

    Dr Martina Munonyara

    Specialist interests includes Diagnostic cytopathology including ROSE (EBUS, EUS and one-stop clinics), Thoracic Pathology and education

    Her special interest is teaching, in which she has delivered tutorials for the London Deanery, Path Soc Winter school and the BAC ASM.

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    Elected: AGM 2021

  • Mrs Leonie Wheeldon
    Media lead for the BAC, Consultant Biomedical Scientist in diagnostic cytopathology, Royal Cornwall Hospital

    Mrs Leonie Wheeldon

    Consultant Biomedical Scientist reporting diagnostic cytopathology. Specialist interest and expertise in rapid on-site evaluation.

    Member of the IBMS advisory panel for Cytopathology and the Cytopathology Journal media team.

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Dr Bijal Shah
    Meetings Lead and Consultant Histopathologist, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

    Dr Bijal Shah

    Specialist interest in Cytopathology, Thyroid and Head and neck pathology

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    Elected: AGM 2021

  • Donna Morrison
    Advanced Biomedical Scientist, Royal Victoria Infirmary

    Donna Morrison

    Diagnostic cytology and Quality in cytology

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Karina Evans
    Specialist Biomedical Scientist and Trainee Clinical Scientist in Cytology and Andrology at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth

    Karina Evans

    Interests in diagnostic cytology

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Sue Smith
    Advanced Practitioner, Pathlinks, Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Sue Smith

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Antonia Tweed
    Consultant Biomedical Scientist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

    Antonia Tweed

    Specialist interests: Gynae cytopathology and training

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    Elected: AGM 2023

  • Kirstie Rice (co-opted)
    Consultant BMS in cervical cytology for Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

    Kirstie Rice (co-opted)

    Special interest in BMS reporting of gynaecological histology.

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    Elected: AGM 2021

  • Hedley Glencross (co-opted)
    Cytopathology Associate Editor, SCAN

    Hedley Glencross (co-opted)

    Retired Biomedical Scientist

  • Professor Philippe Vielh (co-opted)
    Editor, Cytopathology

    Professor Philippe Vielh (co-opted)

  • Christian Burt
    Professional Support Services Manager (IBMS)

    Christian Burt

    20 years membership body experience and provider of support service functions for the BAC.

  • BAC Representation on external groups

  • Lab CPG

    Mrs Helen Burrell

    The Clinical and Professional Group for Laboratories

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  • IBMS cytology SAP

    Mrs Leonie Wheeldon

    The IBMS Cytology Scientific Advisory Panel

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  • RCPath Cytopathology SAC

    Dr Anthony Maddox

    Royal College of Pathologists – Cytopathology Sub committee

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    Miss Helen Burrell

    cervical screening education and training clinical professional group

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  • EACC

    Professor Allan Wilson

    European Advisory Committee of Cytotechnology

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  • EFCS

    Dr Anthony Maddox and Mrs Sue Mehew

    European Federation of Cytology Societies

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  • RCPath Cytopathology representative

    Dr Anthony Maddox

    Royal College of Pathologists representative

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